Thursday, May 22, 2008

The New Way Is The Old Way

How about this - a couple of Tennessee farmers have gone back to using mules to farm with. According to this article in The Horse, they've parked the tractor and hitched up the team. With the price of diesel, they claim that the mules, while working slower than the tractor, are less expensive to run. I suppose this makes sense as they are harvesting hay. Be kind of like pumping your own oil and refining your own diesel. They've made some adjustments and converted the hay rake that was used on their tractor so that it can be pulled by the mule team staffed by Molly and Dolly.

They say it's the wave of the future.

Well, what do you know, maybe the Amish and the Mennonites were right after all.....

High Gas Prices Force Farmer To Switch To Mules at